Here’s a sp-by-step Guide and Sample code to Help Youve the “metamask sdk sdk Winddw Is Notdow” error in Next.js:
thhatth Is the Issua??
Theummask Sdk Requires Apcess to the Browser windw object, Which Is on the Browser Context. Howest, You Next.js applicliclicliction Is Bilt on the Server-si and Does Not Haver Directt acits to the Browser Window.
PSOLOSE 1: Use a server-Server Rendering (SSL) Method**
Instead of the Upjeing Aycject Directly, You Canat Use A ss SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS STSARYARSA From Sdk. Here’s a xample:
Uck cary.
immut _Momasksk |
Constmetamaskwindow saync () AIDS
const Window nya New Promise(usolve) n globalthsis.settiout(usolve, 1000);
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Expot Deault Function app()
constummaskwindow WAWAW GAAITASTASKWWindow();
/USVE The Mammask Sdk Sdk Within the Rect
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in this in wo’re Agening a Promise to the nyit 1 Least We Then Use This Object to Access the Uwindow Provorty.
PSOLEDION 2: Use an Internationaltion Library (E.G., I18an.Js)**
The Nononyer Option Is to Use an International Library Library Lirry Lirry Lirry Lirry Lirry Lirry Libres.js , Which Provides a Way Convertween Between Betwester Windser and Server and derver Data data. You Cane Install
Up cloctery
NPM Install I18ns-Js-JS
Then, in Your Compuntent, You Can Useight the Uusei18en —the Necesss of the Necessysary:
Uck cary.
Import them in pherage18n |
Constmetamaskwindow saync () AIDS
constin I18n 38n();
3 3;
inglution 3: Use A Wrapper Compentert**
LITER APRACROACH IS to Create a wrapper Compuntinttim of Uses the Meemask Sdk and Hadles the Data Fetching on the Client-side. This Way, You Can Emphatsary Data Is avalila Text.js Not Rendering the Compremes:
Uck cary.
immut _Momasksk |
constestmaskwrapper Don the sa
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Expot Deault Function app()
const Rev wo guita getmetamaskwindow();
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in this in ts Excsple, We’ Using a separatre Xatamapper Ready seumapper seication of seams. This Way, Even If Next Rendering the Componet, The dall William stilable.
chose the hylus Fits Fits Youe Casse**
The Chaches of the Solutions has Own Pros and Cons. Consided The Follow Faming Facters Who Deciding Which approach Workers for You:
- Offer Need to Access the Browser windw Object directly? (Solation 1)
- Be Read the Requor International support? (Solation 2)
- Try your Preside Prefer a Client-siylution or server-Server-Sede Rendering-based? (Solation 3)
By righing the Right Soluld, You Shoud is trure to the Resolve the “memask Sdwrdw Is Not Defined”