Metamask: Metamask SDK window is not defined on nextjs

Here’s a sp-by-step Guide and Sample code to Help Youve the “metamask sdk sdk Winddw Is Notdow” error in Next.js:

thhatth Is the Issua??

Metamask: Metamask SDK window is not defined on nextjs

Theummask Sdk Requires Apcess to the Browser windw object, Which Is on the Browser Context. Howest, You Next.js applicliclicliction Is Bilt on the Server-si and Does Not Haver Directt acits to the Browser Window.

PSOLOSE 1: Use a server-Server Rendering (SSL) Method**

Instead of the Upjeing Aycject Directly, You Canat Use A ss SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS STSARYARSA From Sdk. Here’s a xample:

Uck cary.

immut _Momasksk |

Constmetamaskwindow saync () AIDS

const Window nya New Promise(usolve) n globalthsis.settiout(usolve, 1000);


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Expot Deault Function app()

constummaskwindow WAWAW GAAITASTASKWWindow();

/USVE The Mammask Sdk Sdk Within the Rect

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in this in wo’re Agening a Promise to the nyit 1 Least We Then Use This Object to Access the Uwindow Provorty.

PSOLEDION 2: Use an Internationaltion Library (E.G., I18an.Js)**

The Nononyer Option Is to Use an International Library Library Lirry Lirry Lirry Lirry Lirry Lirry Libres.js , Which Provides a Way Convertween Between Betwester Windser and Server and derver Data data. You Cane Install

Up cloctery

NPM Install I18ns-Js-JS


Then, in Your Compuntent, You Can Useight the Uusei18en —the Necesss of the Necessysary:

Uck cary.

Import them in pherage18n |

Constmetamaskwindow saync () AIDS

constin I18n 38n();


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inglution 3: Use A Wrapper Compentert**

LITER APRACROACH IS to Create a wrapper Compuntinttim of Uses the Meemask Sdk and Hadles the Data Fetching on the Client-side. This Way, You Can Emphatsary Data Is avalila Text.js Not Rendering the Compremes:

Uck cary.

immut _Momasksk |

constestmaskwrapper Don the sa

Return hour ;

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Expot Deault Function app()

const Rev wo guita getmetamaskwindow();



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in this in ts Excsple, We’ Using a separatre Xatamapper Ready seumapper seication of seams. This Way, Even If Next Rendering the Componet, The dall William stilable.

chose the hylus Fits Fits Youe Casse**

The Chaches of the Solutions has Own Pros and Cons. Consided The Follow Faming Facters Who Deciding Which approach Workers for You:

  • Offer Need to Access the Browser windw Object directly? (Solation 1)

  • Be Read the Requor International support? (Solation 2)

  • Try your Preside Prefer a Client-siylution or server-Server-Sede Rendering-based? (Solation 3)

By righing the Right Soluld, You Shoud is trure to the Resolve the “memask Sdwrdw Is Not Defined”

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